News release – 60th games

Sveiki/Hello – this past weekend Lithuanian Athletic Union of North America (LAUNA) had its 60-th anniversary annual games held in Cleveland (OH), run by “Zaibas”. There were men’s, women’s and youth (U-19) basketball events, men’s, women’s and co-ed volleyball as well as table tennis tournaments. All results are already published in our official website, the most significant outcome to be mentioned would be an extraordinary success of a Toronto based Lithuanian “Vytis” sports club, representatives of which won all of the three different championships they have participated in: the showpiece men’s “A” basketball, also men’s “B” and women’s basketball. Also worth mentioning is a special prize from one of our major sponsors, Lithuanian Foundation, which gives out a 1,000 USD financial support to the most successful U.S. Lithuanian basketball team in this tourney – the money gets awarded to its city or state Lithuanian language school. This time $1,000 was picked up by the third place winners in the men’s “A” basketball championship Los Angeles “Banga” squad who decided to pass the prize onto its Lithuanian language school named after St. Casimir and based in the LA Lithuanian parish, bearing the same name. If you have any questions or would be looking for more information, just let us know. Thanks,

Norime pranesti, kad si savaitgali Cleveland (OH) ivyko 60-osios jubiliejines Siaures Amerikos Lietuviu Fizinio Auklejimo ir Sporto Sajungos (SALFASS) zaidynes, kuriu metu jegas isbande apie 40 visos Siaures Amerikos lietuviu sporto klubu krepsinio bei tinklinio komandu, o taip par netoli 20 musu uzjuryje apsigyvenusiu tauitieciu stalo teniso megeju. Visus zaidyniu rezultatus galima surasti musu tinklapyje, o nuotrauku aprasymus surasite apacioje. Malonu pasveikinti taip pat neseniai analogiska 60 metu nuo kulbo ikurimo pradzios jubilieju atsventusi Toronto “Vyti”, laimejusi visu triju turnyru, kuriuose siemet dalyvavo, 1-asias vietas – vyru “A” krepsinio (pusiau profesionaliu zaideju), taip pat “B” lygio komandu (megeju) ir moteru pirmenybiu. SALFASS Zaidyniu remeju – Lietuviu Fondo isteigta $1,000 JAV doleriu priza, skirta kuriai nors Amerikos lituanistinei mokyklai, siemet laimeje stipriausia JAV vyru krepsinio komanda Los Angeles “Banga” paskyre Sv. Kazimiero lituanistinei mokyklai, veikianciai to paties pavadinimo lietuviskoje parapijoje minetame mieste California valst. Zemiau surasite labiausiai prie zaidyniu Ohio valstijos lietuviskiausiame mieste Cleveland suruosimo prisidejusius asmenis, o varzybu org. komiteto pirmininkas – sio miesto “Zaibo” lietuviu sporto klubo pirmininkas Vidas Tatarunas. Norintys papildomos informacijos, prasome kreiptis i Vida tel. 440-209-0440 arba el. pastu arba rasykite man adresu

Pagarbiai, Laurynas (Larry) R. Misevicius – SALFASS Centro Valdybos pirmininkas/chair.

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