Florida Lithuanian Open

10th Annual Florida Lithuanian Open Golf Tournament on March 8th, 2010! For the last nine years, golfers from the United States, Lithuania and beyond have gathered to participate in this fun tournament and related events. It’s a great time to be in Florida! Tenth Annual Florida Lithuanian Open Golf Tournament, March 4-8. Meet some old …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/florida-lithuanian-open/

ŠALFASS Tournament Registration

The 60th Annual North American – Lithuanian Sports Tournament will be held on April 30th-May 2nd weekend in Cleveland, Ohio. This year’s tournament is hosted by Cleveland Zaibas which is celebrating its 60th Anniversary. Now is the time to register your basketball/volleyball teams to play in this sports tournament. Please complete attached preliminary registrations by …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/sports-tournament-registration/

2010 North American Lithuanian Games

2010 – 60th Annual Mens / Womens North American Lithuanian Games Mens / Womens Basketball (Divisions A, B & C) Juniors (Young Adults) Basketball (Division A) Volleyball (Mens, Womens, COED) April 30th – May 2  in  Cleveland, OH

Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/2010-north-american-lithuanian-games/

LAUNA / ŠALFASS Facebook’e

LAUNA / ŠALFASS is now a group on Facebook Join the group! Join in the Lithuanian sports fun!

Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/launa-salfass-facebooke/

Colorado Ski Trip March 20 -27, 2010

Colorado Ski Trip March 20 -27, 2010 (pdf)

Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/colorado-ski-trip-march-20-27-2010/

ŠALFASS suvažiavimo darbotvarkė

ŠALFASS suvažiavimo darbotvarkė (pdf)

Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/salfass-suvaziavimo-darbotvarke/

ŠALFASS suvažiavimo įgaliojimas

ŠALFASS suvažiavimo įgaliojimas (pdf)

Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/salfass-suvaziavimo-igaliojimas/

ŠALFASS mandatų komisijai

ŠALFASS mandatų komisijai (pdf)

Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/salfass-mandatu-komisijai/

2009 Swimming Championships in Cleveland

2009 Swimming Championships in Cleveland LITHUANIAN ATHLETIC UNION OF NORTH AMERICA Bulletin # A-8x/09 c/o Algirdas Bielskus, Secretary General Tel. (216) 481-3785 October 1, 2009 2009 NORTH AMERICAN LITHUANIAN SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS 1. The 2009 North American Lithuanian Swimming Championships will be conducted by the Lithuanian Athletic Club “Zaibas”, on Saturday, October 17, 2009 at Godfrey …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/2009-swimming-championships-in-cleveland/

2009 Š Amerikos Lietuvių Plaukimo Pirmenybės

SALFASS-gos CENTRO VALDYBA; Aplinkrastis A-8/09 c/o Algirdas Bielskus, Gen. Sekr. Tel. (216) 481-3785 Spalio 1, 2009 2009 S. Amerikos Lietuviu Plaukimo Pirmenybes 2009 metu, Siaures Amerikos Lietuviu Plaukimo Pirmenybes ivyks 2009 m. Spalio 17 d., Sestadieni, Godfrey Baseine, Hawken Lower/Middle Mokylka. Formalus Hawken Lower/Middle adresas yra: 5000 Clubside, Lyndhurst, Ohio 44124. Baseinas yra 25 jardu …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.salfass.org/sportas/2009-s-amerikos-lietuviu-plaukimo-pirmenybes/